IP Scorecard (Beta)

Just answer a few questions in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of your IP’s value

Download the excel-file below and follow these steps​

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IP-Scorecard Life Science​
IP-Scorecard Life Science​
IP-Scorecard Non-Life Science​
IP-Scorecard Non-Life Science
Disclaimer: “This modified version is based on the original IP scorecard from Stifterverband, published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. The original version is available here.​​The present recommendations of a model for the market-based valuation of intellectual property (IP) in the spin-off process do not constitute legal advice, nor can they replace such advice.​
Do you want to find out how you can increase the value of your IP? Test our IP agents here​
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Please also refer to our IP Wiki for further process guidelines and helpful information on IP transfer.
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Not sure which IP-Transfer-Model is the best one for you? Check out our IP-Navigator.
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Contacts to your university

For individual clarification of IP questions, you should contact the IP transfer offices at your university. Click on the logo of your university in Hesse or Mainz below

Trusted partners for your success

Conducted by FUTURY and funded by the Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport, Housing, and Regional Development. This project is supported under the Innovation Support Program Hessen within the measure "Projects to Enhance Competitiveness and Start-up Motivation".
Logo of Futury

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